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Helpful Hints and FAQs: Family Focus
Helpful Hints and FAQs: Family Focus

Learn more about providing peace of mind for families via KeepTrack™.

Written by Annie McFarland
Updated over a week ago

These questions are all about the family’s experience and the Remember page!

Do I have to assign tasks to family members?

Most of the funeral homes we work with find it beneficial for everyone involved to have the family fill out as much decedent information as possible in Gather, however, it is not a requirement to assign tasks to family Helpers. Each case will be different, and you will know best who to invite and which tasks, if any, to assign to each person.

What if certain invited family members don't want to see tracking steps?

Invited family Helpers always have the option not to view shared Steps. You have the power to determine who to share the information with, and they have the choice to view it or not.

Will family see the details of each step (like uploaded files and signatures)?

Nope. If a Step is shared, only the past tense of the Step will be shared. So “Fingerprints Obtained” or “Cremation Completed” will be all that is displayed, which helps ensure that families never see sensitive information.

How long is the Remember page hosted?

There isn’t a time limit on grief, so the Remember page will be saved for the family as long as you want. The Remember page was meant to be a permanent memorial.

How many photos can the family upload to the Remember page?

All of them! The family and visitors can upload an unlimited amount of photos and memories to their loved one’s Remember page.

Who is moderating the content on the Remember page?

The Gather team moderates all visitors, photos, and memories, so there’s nothing offensive or negative being shared on your funeral home’s Remember pages. You can also see all moderation actions and even moderate on your side, if so inclined. Families also have the ability to flag anything that they think is inappropriate.

Would it be possible to make the Remember page my site's obituary page?

We are glad you asked. Yes, if you have a custom Gather website, the Remember page becomes the obituary page. Additionally, we host the Remember page on your actual website domain so that you get all of the SEO benefits, helping you improve your Google page ranking.

Can I customize the Remember page?

For sure, each of the sections on the page can be hidden on a per-case basis. Most of the customization happens in the configure icon.

Can I control if certain family members see the steps or the belongings?

You sure can. When each Helper is invited, you can specify two things related to KeepTrack™:

  • Whether they can see Tracking Steps

  • Whether they can see any recorded belongings

What if there are certain Steps that I never want to share?

We’ve got you covered. When creating your WorkFlows, you can specify a default visibility setting for each Step.

Need More Help? 👋

Chat with our team anytime. Or give us a ring at (208) 908-0488.

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