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How Do I Record Belongings with KeepTrack™?
How Do I Record Belongings with KeepTrack™?

Keep your team on the same page and reduce your liability by recording what the family wants done with each item.

Wesley Mowry avatar
Written by Wesley Mowry
Updated over a week ago

We know personal belongings are a big factor in building trust with your families. For this reason, we were extra careful when creating the Belongings module of KeepTrack™.

Why Keep Track of Belongings?

We’ve made it as easy as possible to keep track of all important belongings. The best part is you can do it in just a few seconds, right from your phone. This feature will help you:

  • Avoid misplaced items that could cause legal issues

  • Stay safe from any miscommunication

  • Increase team member accountability

  • Keep your team on the same page

  • Build trust with your families

+ Add New Belonging Screen

Here is what the belongings screen looks like!

Build Belongings into Your WorkFlows

As you are building your customizable WorkFlows, you have two options as it relates to recording belongings:

1️⃣ Build a Tracking Step just for recording belongings as shown below. This creates a discreet action for completing the action of recording the belongings.

2️⃣ Add the ability to record belongings to other Tracking Steps. This allows team members to record belongings within the context of other actions they may be taking on a case.

Regardless of which option you select, all belongings will be recorded and preserved on the case as shown below:

Record and Complete the Family's Wishes

As you know, there can be a gap between the time when you learn of the family’s wishes for a particular belonging and the time when you actually fulfill the family’s wishes. Rather than wait until the final disposition of the item to record it, we’ve created a simple two-step process that allows you to track the belonging as early as possible to ensure nothing is lost in the mix.

Example: The family may tell you they want the ring returned to them and not kept with Evelyn. You want to record their wishes, AND you also want to make sure you follow through with their desires and track that the ring was returned.

We’ve got you covered. Here’s how it works.

  1. Select one of these four options to record the family’s initial wishes or simply mark that you are not yet sure of what the family wants to do with the belonging.

  2. You see the family five days later and return the ring to them. You’ll open that Belonging and track its new status: “Yes, this item has been returned.”

  3. We will automatically record and preserve the signatures for each of these two steps, as well as the exact time that each was recorded.

⏱️ We are always looking for ways to save you time, so we even made it effortless to perform both of these steps (recording the wishes and completing the wishes) at the same time using a single signature.

Include the Family

You have the option to make the belongings visible to family members so you will want to be sure that each photo is appropriate. For example, it is best to remove (and perhaps clean) a watch or ring prior to taking a picture of it.

Pro Tip: Be descriptive so that you can easily search for this item later in the Belongings Report.

Pro Tip: We recommend being careful about what description you give to an item. For example, it is better to say “clear stone” instead of “diamond” or to say “wristwatch” instead of “Rolex” to avoid misclassifying something.

You are in control

As with everything in Gather, you are in complete control of what you show to family members. When inviting a new family Helper, you can specify if you want them to see the belongings or not. This is a helpful way to ensure that their wishes have been recorded properly while building trust through transparency. Family Helpers can only view belongings and cannot make any edits.

Belongings Report

We’ve built a Belongings report into your Dashboard where you can:

  • View who last updated the item

  • Filter the report by item name, status, or case name

  • Sort the columns to show the most recent

  • Toggle the report to only show pending items

  • Drill directly into each item to take an action

You can access this report from any device, and it will always be 100% up-to-date. All belongings are recorded and preserved so you can come back to them later.

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