One of the many benefits of using KeepTrack™ is that each step within each WorkFlow can be customized to meet your specific needs. Let's jump in and show you how!
Components ➡️ Tracking Steps ➡️ WorkFlows
Before we dive in, here is a quick vocabulary lesson that will be helpful as you learn more about making KeepTrack™ work seamlessly for your funeral home:
WORKFLOWS (think "Tradiitonal Burial", "Direct Cremation", etc.) are made up of TRACKING STEPS (think "Embalm", "Obtain Fingerprints", etc.) which are made up of COMPONENTS (think "file upload", "add notes", "add a signature", etc.).
Don't worry, if you want more details about how WorkFlows work, you can learn more by clicking here. For now, let's jump into all of the different Components that can make up a Tracking Step.
Can you show an example of a Tracking Step?
Of course, before we dive into the different configuration options, here is a quick example of what a Tracking Step looks like. For example, this is the "Embalm" Step. Notice the 8 components that are included within this Step.
Where do I go to edit a Tracking Step?
From your DashBoard, click the top-left hamburger menu then click the WorkFlows button as shown below.
Next, click on the WorkFlow that you want to edit, and you will be taken to the workshop page. This is where the customization happens! The left column lists the Steps in order of the WorkFlow. It always starts with the Initialize Step, where you assign KeepTrack™ to a case.
Select a Step and the the center section shows the Components within the Step. You can add, reorder, or edit the Components to fit your requirements on the Step. The right column gives you a live preview of what the Step will look like if you were working on a case and completing it.
NOTE: You will notice there are no movement steps to edit on this page, such as "Move to Cooler A". You don't need to build custom steps for movements since movements are standardized steps that are based on the various locations you set up on your WhiteBoard. Think of movement steps as the lines that connect the dots between actions (Steps) that were taken with a decedent.
What can I edit on a Tracking Step?
There are currently 15 different Components that can make up a Tracking Step. Each can be adjusted as needed with various configuration options.
Required Components (5)
There are 5 components that must be present on each step:
Who performed this step
Customize whether or not you want to allow the logged-in user to mark the step complete on behalf of someone else.
For your protection, it is generally NOT recommended that you allow someone to complete a step on behalf of someone else since it removes the individual accountability and the timestamp of when the step was actually completed will be inaccurate.
Case Confirmation
Quickly view and verify summary case details and labels, including a death photo.
Requiring a death photo is typically the most secure mechanism for avoiding mistakes in the field.
No configuration options. The locations and photos shown here are driven by the locations added to your WhiteBoard. Learn more about your WhiteBoard locations by clicking here.
Family Sharing
Set the default setting for family visibility of the given Tracking Step.
The family will only see the past tense of the Tracking Step and the timestamp for when that step occurred.
Team Member Signature
Protect your reputation, your team members, and your families by collecting a signature.
This is required for each step. The signature will be stored for historical records.
Optional Components (10)
There are 10 Components that can be optionally added to any Tracking Step:
Paragraph Text
Text Question(s)
Multiple Choice Question
File Upload
Easily snap a photo or upload helpful items such as a signed document or a completed report. Uploads will be preserved.
Personal Belongings
Fine Print
Additional Signatures
How do I learn more?
To explore each of these different Components, simply play around with adding each one and clicking the pencil icon to adjust the configuration settings. Use the two horizontal lines on the left to reorder the Components within the Step.
On the right side of the screen, you will also see a live preview of the changes you are making so that you can see exactly how your adjustments will be reflected on the Tracking Step.
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Chat with our team anytime. Or give us a ring at (208) 908-0488.