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How do I Track Chain of Custody Movements?
How do I Track Chain of Custody Movements?

Let’s talk about how KeepTrack™ makes it possible to always maintain an accurate location for each decedent.

Chase Downs avatar
Written by Chase Downs
Updated over a week ago

With KeepTrack™ you can be anywhere in the world and know the precise location of every decedent in your care, right from your phone. This article helps explain how that is possible using three methods:

1️⃣ Move From a Step

2️⃣ Move From the Tracking Page

3️⃣ Move From the WhiteBoard

Moving a Decedent

Regardless of which of the following approaches you use, the popup contains the same components. All details are tracked and everything is instantly updated so your whole team remains on the same page.

Here is a quick overview of what the movement screen looks like.

Pro Tip: There is a note section that can be used to specify details about the placement within the given location. For example, you can specify the specific slot in your cooler.

1️⃣ Move From a Step

As you complete each Tracking Step, a required component is to specify where the action occurred. For example, if you move a decedent to the prep room and immediately complete a DNA Sample Step, rather than first track the movement and then complete the Step, simply complete the Step and specify that they were moved to a new location. The Tracking Step and the movement will be tracked as separate items on your activity timeline.


By requiring that a location is specified at the time of each action, you ensure that an unbroken chain of custody is effortlessly maintained.

2️⃣ Move From the Tracking Page

At the bottom of your activity timeline, you will see a list of all locations with their thumbnail icon. Simply tap on a location to move the decedent there as a standalone action. These locations are displayed in the same order specified on your Whiteboard.

If you need to move a case within a single location, simply click the current location. A dialogue will appear, allowing you to add a new Note, and a new movement location will be added. So, for example, if the decedent is already in the cooler, but you need to move them to a different slot in the same cooler, simply click the Cooler location and add a Note in the movement component.


Pro Tip: If an action is going to take a long time, you should first move the decedent in Gather separately using this method so that the movement time is more accurate.

To illustrate, imagine you physically move the decedent to the crematory and then perform the cremation, but you wait to specify the new location until you complete the Cremate Step in Gather. If you take this approach, both the movement time and the cremate time will display the same completion time. By first moving the decedent to the crematory as its own action on the Tracking page and then later completing the Cremation Step once the cremation is complete, you will create a more accurate timeline.

3️⃣ Move From the WhiteBoard

And lastly, on the Whiteboard, you can quickly drag and move the case to a new location by clicking on the two horizontal lines in the top-left corner of each case card. As soon as you drop the case card in a new location column, the movement popup will display, allowing you to move the case without having to navigate to the Tracking page.


How do I move a decedent on a mobile device on the WhiteBoard?

Because it is not feasible to click and drag using a touchscreen device, we automatically adjust the button so that it works flawlessly on even the smallest touchscreen devices. The drag handle button will instead appear as shown below. Simply tap this button and you can instantly move to a new location or reprioritize within the current location.

How do I move to a different spot in the same location?

If the decedent is in a location and you need to move them to a different spot within that same location, we've got you covered.

Example: If the decedent is currently in Cooler A and you need to move them to a different location still within Cooler A.

Row 1, Slot A ➡️ Row 1, Slot B

To do this, simply click the icon for the current location (e.g., Cooler A) and we will record that another movement happened in that same location as shown below.

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