The Notes data source in Gather Analytics allows funeral homes to access and report on all types of notes entered within Gather. This data source provides a comprehensive view of case notes, task notes, and step notes, enabling teams to maintain clear communication and ensure consistency across all aspects of case management.
Each row in this data source represents an individual note, making it easy to track and analyze documented communications and updates.
Where Does the Data Come From?
The data in the Notes data source is sourced directly from the notes recorded by funeral home staff in the case, task, or step sections of Gather. This information is updated in real-time as new notes are added, edited, or completed, ensuring that the most current communication and documentation are reflected in your report.
Columns Definitions for the Notes Data Source
Funeral Home: The funeral home location in Gather to which this case currently belongs.
Case Type: The currently applied Case Type: At-Need, Pre-Need, Trade, One-Off. Case Types can be adjusted over the lifespan of a case.
Case Name: The name of the decedent as specified in the Death Certificate. Legal First Name + Legal Last Name. Clicking the name will link to the Organize page. [DC Section = ABOUT]
Note: The note added to a case, which can be a Case Note, a Task Note, Step Note, or Step Component Note. If the Note is edited, this field will show the most recent version of the note. You can use the Note Updated By and Note Updated On fields to view additional details about edits to a note.
Note Type: This field indicates if the note was a Case Note, Task Note, Step Note or Step Component Note.
Note Attached To: This field indicates what Step or Task a note was attached to. Case Notes are not attached to a particular task and will be listed here as "Case".
Note Created By: The team member or family member who first created the note. If a note is subsequently edited by someone else, this field will remain unchanged. You can use the Note Updated By and Note Updated On fields to view additional details about edits to a note.
Note Created On: The date and time the note was first created. This date cannot change.This field includes the time if available, which is visible on hover and in the download. Timezone is driven by the funeral home location timezone.
Note Updated By: The team member or family member who most recently created or edited the note. This field will match the Note Created By field if there haven't been any edits.
Note Updated On: The date and time the note was most recently created or edited. This field will match the Note Created On field if there haven't been any edits and will change if the note is updated. This field includes the time if available, which is visible on hover and in the download. Timezone is driven by the funeral home location timezone.
Is Note From Helper: Specifies if this note was last edited by a family helper. Case Notes and Step Notes are not visible to or editable by helpers.
Case Created On: The date the case was first created in Gather UNLESS the Case Type has been converted to a new Case Type (e.g., Pre-Need to At-Need) then the most recent conversion date is used instead. This field includes the time if available, which is visible on hover and in the download. Timezone is driven by the funeral home location timezone.
Case Assignee: The currently assigned team member on this case.
Case WorkFlow: Custom WorkFlows allow you to change the way Gather works to fit the way you work so that you can focus more on what matters most. This field represents the currently applied WorkFlow.
Case Watcher: One or more individuals can be added as a watcher, allowing them to emulate the case assignee.
Case Death Date: Safest way to filter by date of death. If no death date, the date the case was first created in Gather is used. If no death date AND the Case Type has been converted to a new Case Type (e.g., Pre-Need to At-Need) then the most recent conversion date is used instead. NOTE: If a range is used for an unknown death date, this field will use the earliest date of the range.
KeepTrack #: The unique, 7-digit code assigned to a case when KeepTrack™ is initialized on a case to help maintain an accurate chain of custody. Cannot be changed.
Case Labels: Labels are a helpful way to categorize cases across multiple dimensions. Each applied label will display here.
Case Number: The unique case identifier assigned to the case. Can be adjusted.
Case Created On (simple): The date the case was first created in Gather. IMPORTANT: If a case was converted to a different Case Type (e.g., Pre-Need to At-Need) this will show the date the case was first created and NOT the date of the conversion, which could cause incompleted data for converted pre-needs. Consider using the more robust "Case Created On" field instead.
Case Death Date (simple): The date of death as specified in the case vitals. IMPORTANT: This field does NOT account for missing death dates or converted pre-needs, which could cause incompleted data. Consider using the more robust "Death Date" field instead. NOTE: If a range is used for an unknown death date, this field will use the earliest date of the range.
Report Examples: Using Notes Data
The Notes data source can be leveraged to create reports that enhance communication, track case progress, and ensure thorough documentation. Here are some example reports you can create:
Comprehensive Case Communication Log: Generate a report that compiles all notes related to specific cases, providing an overview of all communications and updates documented by staff. This report can be valuable for internal audits or when reviewing the history of a case.
Task Progress Notes Report: Create a report that focuses on notes attached to tasks across cases, allowing managers to track the completion status and any challenges noted during task execution. This can help in identifying bottlenecks or areas where additional support is needed.
Recent Notes Overview: Develop a report showing all notes created within the past week or month. This report helps ensure that recent communications are being reviewed and any urgent updates are addressed promptly by the team.
Notes by Team Member: View a report that filters notes by the author, making it easy to track contributions from specific team members. This type of report can be used for performance assessments and to identify which staff members are most actively documenting case details.
Step Notes Summary: Produce a report that highlights notes linked to steps within workflows. This report is particularly useful for tracking the progress of step-by-step processes in case management and ensuring that all necessary steps are being documented.
Multi-Case Note Comparison: Create a report comparing notes across multiple cases to identify common themes or recurring issues. This can be useful for quality control and improving overall case management procedures.
These reports provide funeral homes with the insights they need to enhance team communication, track case progress efficiently, and maintain a comprehensive record of all interactions and updates.
Accessing the Notes Data Source
Admins can manage access to the Notes data source to ensure that sensitive information is protected and only relevant team members have the appropriate permissions:
Individual Access: Admins can grant or restrict access based on employee roles and responsibilities, ensuring that team members have access to notes relevant to their tasks.
Location-Specific Access: For multi-location funeral homes, admins can control access per location, allowing for tailored permissions that align with staff duties.
Admin Privileges: Admins automatically have access to the Notes data source within the locations they oversee, ensuring full visibility into case communication and documentation.
These access controls help maintain data security and ensure that only authorized personnel can view or analyze notes data.
Need More Help? 👋
If you have questions about using the Notes data source or need assistance setting up reports, reach out to our team anytime or call us at (208) 908-0488. We’re here to help!